
Selasa, 08 November 2011

present tense and past tense

A.             VERBAL
1.         Eat (makan)
2.         Effuse (memancarkan)
3.         Erase (menghapus)
4.         Enjoy ( menikmati)
5.         Enrich (memperkaya)

Ø   Present tense
1.         I don’t eat meat ball with my best friends every day
2.         The moon effuses glow every night
3.         Why does Faisal always erase  the board after  studying ?
4.         I enjoy holiday with my family every weekend
5.         Do the corruptors always enrich themselves and family’s theirs ?

Ø   Past tense
1.         I didn’t  eat meat ball with my best friends two days  ago
2.         The moon effused glow last night
3.         Why did Faisal erase  the board after studying yesterday ?
4.         I enjoyed holiday with my family last week
5.         Did the corruptors enrich themselves and family’s theirs last year ?

B.             NOMINAL

1.         Egoist (mementingkan diri sendiri)
2.         Envy (iri hati)
3.         Economist (ahli ekonomi)
4.         Eyot (pulau kecil)
5.         Educator (pendidik)

1.         He is not egoist to me
2.         Are they envy ?
3.         He is an economist
4.         They are at the eyot for honey moon
5.         Where  is she educator ?

1.         He was not  egoist  to me yesterday
2.         Were they envy last night ?
3.         He was an economist  two years ago
4.         They were at the eyot for honey moon last week
5.         Where  was she educator last year ?


A.              Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Eager             : ingin sekali, berhasrat      Excited           : tergugah, tertarik   
Excited           : tergugah, tertarik                Early               : cepat, pagi-pagi
Easy               : mudah                                 Empty             : kosong
Enjoyable      : menyenangkan                  Enough         : cukup          
Equal             : sama,sebanding                Essential       : perlu, sangat penting       
Exact              : tepat, betul                          Excellent       : istimewa, sangat penting
Exciting          : menggairahkan                  Expensive     : mahal

B.              Noun(Kata Benda)

Ø Noun I (people)                             
Electrician     : tukang listrik
Engineer       : ahli mesin, insinyur

Ø Noun II (things)
Earring           : antin-anting
Envelope       : amplop, sampul
Eraser                        : penghapus

Ø Noun III (food)
Egg                 : telur

Ø   Noun IV (mostly abstract)
Education      ; pebdidikan
End                 : akhir
Enemy           :musuh
Examination : ujian
Example        : contoh
Exercise         : latihan
Experience    : pengalaman
Explanation  : penjelasan, keterangan

Ø   Noun V (animal)
Elephant        : gajah

Ø   Noun VII (parts of body)
Ear                  : telinga
Eyebrow        : alis kening
Eye                 : mata
Elbow             : siku

Ø   Noun VIII ( family and relatives)
Elder brother : kakak laki-laki
Elder sister    : kakak perempuan

C.              Verb (Kata Kerja)

Ø     Irregular verb
Infinitive                                 Past Tense                            Past Participle
Eat                                          Ate                                          Eaten

Ø     Regular verb
Earn               : mencari (uang) untuk hidup,memperoleh
Educate         : mendidik
Elect               : memilih
Encourage    : memberi semangat
End                 : selesai
Enjoy              : menikmati
Enroll             : mendaftarkan
Enter              : memasuki
Erase              : menghapus
Escape           : lepas, lolos
Examine        : menguji, memeriksa
Expect            : mengharapkan, harap
Experience    : mengalami
Explain          : menerangkan

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