1. Eat (makan)
2. Effuse (memancarkan)
3. Erase (menghapus)
4. Enjoy ( menikmati)
5. Enrich (memperkaya)
Ø Present tense
1. I don’t eat meat ball with my best friends every day
2. The moon effuses glow every night
3. Why does Faisal always erase the board after studying ?
4. I enjoy holiday with my family every weekend
5. Do the corruptors always enrich themselves and family’s theirs ?
Ø Past tense
1. I didn’t eat meat ball with my best friends two days ago
2. The moon effused glow last night
3. Why did Faisal erase the board after studying yesterday ?
4. I enjoyed holiday with my family last week
5. Did the corruptors enrich themselves and family’s theirs last year ?
1. Egoist (mementingkan diri sendiri)
2. Envy (iri hati)
3. Economist (ahli ekonomi)
4. Eyot (pulau kecil)
5. Educator (pendidik)
1. He is not egoist to me
2. Are they envy ?
3. He is an economist
4. They are at the eyot for honey moon
5. Where is she educator ?
1. He was not egoist to me yesterday
2. Were they envy last night ?
3. He was an economist two years ago
4. They were at the eyot for honey moon last week
5. Where was she educator last year ?
A. Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Eager : ingin sekali, berhasrat Excited : tergugah, tertarik
Excited : tergugah, tertarik Early : cepat, pagi-pagi
Easy : mudah Empty : kosong
Enjoyable : menyenangkan Enough : cukup
Equal : sama,sebanding Essential : perlu, sangat penting
Exact : tepat, betul Excellent : istimewa, sangat penting
Exciting : menggairahkan Expensive : mahal
B. Noun(Kata Benda)
Ø Noun I (people)
Electrician : tukang listrik
Engineer : ahli mesin, insinyur
Ø Noun II (things)
Earring : antin-anting
Envelope : amplop, sampul
Eraser : penghapus
Ø Noun III (food)
Egg : telur
Ø Noun IV (mostly abstract)
Education ; pebdidikan
End : akhir
Enemy :musuh
Examination : ujian
Example : contoh
Exercise : latihan
Experience : pengalaman
Explanation : penjelasan, keterangan
Ø Noun V (animal)
Elephant : gajah
Ø Noun VII (parts of body)
Ear : telinga
Eyebrow : alis kening
Eye : mata
Elbow : siku
Ø Noun VIII ( family and relatives)
Elder brother : kakak laki-laki
Elder sister : kakak perempuan
C. Verb (Kata Kerja)
Ø Irregular verb
Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
Eat Ate Eaten
Ø Regular verb
Earn : mencari (uang) untuk hidup,memperoleh
Educate : mendidik
Elect : memilih
Encourage : memberi semangat
End : selesai
Enjoy : menikmati
Enroll : mendaftarkan
Enter : memasuki
Erase : menghapus
Escape : lepas, lolos
Examine : menguji, memeriksa
Expect : mengharapkan, harap
Experience : mengalami
Explain : menerangkan
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